Expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself,
Most of our systems require12 – 24 volt electrical hookups and all are backed up with battery redundancy For that extra peace of mind, have Ambush install a back up radio transmitter which will insure that in the event that your phone lines are compromised accidentally or by a would be intruder, your central station information will be sent and the proper authorities will be dispatched.
Kids come home from school and you want to know that they are safe, but, you are at your office or away on business. How do you know? With an Ambush Alarm Security System installed in your home, you can be notified on your standard Pocket Pager. Our systems can be programmed to report to you if your system is armed, disarmed, alarm conditions and even trouble condition with time of day and who armed or disarmed the system. Imagine, your child comes home from school and disarms the security system. Your control panel will dial your pager. Your pager will show that the system has been disarmed, the time, and which user actually disarmed the system. Your child is home and safe. All is well. Whether your home is a one bedroom apartment or a sprawling acre estate, your security system will provide you with safety and the peace of mind you deserve.
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